April Snow in the Philippines

Bless northstar for finding the time to meet with the people from Sky Films, the distributor of April Snow in the Philippines. It was a learning experience for them because they are not aware of the popularity of BYJ in our country. I can't blame them entirely since their company is a rival of the station that showed WLS and Hotelier. So they asked a lot of questions and more information regarding his works. They felt contrite that they never made news earlier about their acquisition so that we could have helped them write feature articles and prepare for a premier night. They were so sorry that we could have been invited to a private screening of the movie before it was submitted for review by our movie censors board. While in the middle of their talk, the artist who is preparing the lay-out for the newspaper ads came by to ask for approval of his work and Northstar is surprised to see that it was rated R-13 when we were all aware of the rating it got in Korea and in other asian countries where it had it's regular run. But it was also not surprising in the premise that there was no nudity on the part of the actors and the theme is quite familiar with Filipino audiences. One thing we are happy about is that we may have converted them in becoming a BYJ fan as well. They even asked quite a few times if BYJ has a girlfriend. Northstar left with an armful of posters, a copy of their official press kit, photos that they will use for press releases and the final artwork for the ads that will appear in the newspapers here in days to come. I'll post them here for posterity.