We all take different roads as we traverse in this journey called life. Let me lead you to my day to day discovery and the simple joy I found as a fan of BAE YONG YOON.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

That Certain Look

Going through the blogs of my fellow bae sisters can be a source of inspiration on what I want to put here while waiting for a sign that he is ready to start filming again. We have seen his old photos being reposted in various sites while others are inspired to take it to the next level by making flash and mv's. Although I love his "killer smile" in most of his pictorials, his brooding looks catches my attention better. I remember going through Quilt's gallery to collect photos and ended up having the following pictures printed and framed.

Those same characteristics had me loving Frank Shin, Jo-won and Jun Sang amongst the characters he portrayed in his dramas.

But even Insu has that look of vulnerability around him, expressing what is going through his mind through his eyes. He is considered an under rated actor in his country and as I've mentioned in Mishio's blog, it's my wish that he be offered a film that will showcase his acting in a way that even his detractors cannot find fault.


Blogger mishio said...

Hi marissa-
"under-rated" is THE word! He's obviously quite versatile, as you've shown here.
So, you're just like bb? Like his non-tender image better, huh?
Understable, but i'm of the more "childish" camp - while that other certain look really catches your attention and stays with you, I just want to see that happy smile all the time, all the time, preferably up close right next to me. heehee!

1:49 AM

Blogger marissa said...

hi mishio,

I don't know but I like some air of mystery when it comes to people of th opposite sex. But of course, his smile can light up my mood anytime too!

1:42 PM

Blogger LoveJoyPeace said...

Hi Marissa, Hi Mishio
I am like Mishio prefers the happy look to the moody one. It lights up my life like turning on the light in me!

6:48 PM


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