We all take different roads as we traverse in this journey called life. Let me lead you to my day to day discovery and the simple joy I found as a fan of BAE YONG YOON.

Monday, May 15, 2006

And The Journey Continues

It’s been two years (November 2003) since I first laid eyes on the man that made my days worth living again. Like a high school girl on the threshold of discovering the attraction of the opposite sex, I lived my days in a bubble. He occupied my thoughts day and night dreaming of scenarios on how our paths would cross and hoping for that slim chance of catching his attention. His photos adorned my bedside table, my wallet and my pc and I can't stop talking about him to my friends. It went on for months and I plead guilty if I irritated those closest to me but I was head over heels attracted to him.

I can’t remember exactly when I stopped having those silly thoughts and started seeing him in a whole new light. By then I have read countless articles about Bae Yong Joon as a person, separate and distinct from all the characters he has portrayed. By no means did my feelings waver but rather transformed itself in a whole new level. My admiration and respect for him grew leaps and bounds for one cannot fake his true nature and I can't remember ever reading anything unpleasant being said about him by his fans and employees and co-workers.

His dedication and perseverance to achieve the look he wants for his photo book “The Image Vol. 1” showed a strength of character sorely lacking in most of us. He’s compassionate nature never fails to impress his fans and his example has inspired a lot of us to do good deeds big and small.

All through the years, I’ve also seen other dramas and have gotten to know other k- stars. Sometimes I can’t help but wish he accepted more projects like the other leading Hallyu stars that do an average of 3 projects a year not counting their product endorsements. He could have milked his popularity in Japan but he was never greedy. Instead he’s been teaching us by example to look at every opportunity that comes our way but only choose the one that will make us fulfilled as a person.

Time moves fast, season changes but here I am still deeply rooted in Baeland . I may have come to a clear understanding of what kind of love I have for him but it doesn’t stop me from “floating in the air” every time a gorgeous photo of him surfaces in the net just like this one.

Until when you ask? Honestly I don’t know but for now I will remain a fan who is admiring him from afar, silently supporting him in this career choices and hoping that one day he can find his own personal happiness.


Blogger marissa said...


I'm guessing there are more ladies out there who never fell hard for any actor until they came across BYJ.

Here's to more years together as one of his supporters!

6:57 PM

Blogger bbmag said...

hey, marissa, that came across as a truly, deeply heartfelt piece! i totally 'get' you. thanks for sharing.

9:57 PM

Blogger marissa said...


Thanks for your tireless translations of interesting news and other writings of our sisters because they gave us a glimpse of the person behind the glamour and glitz of the entertainment world. Hope you won't get tired of doing it.

9:45 AM

Blogger Mayet said...

wow! i love BYJ's hair! hehehe!

9:51 AM

Blogger marissa said...


He looks hot right? Hope you can watch more of his works.

1:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Marissa,

Thank you for sharing your continuing journey with BYJ to us.
Coming from an advanced fan (I don't want to use 'old'), it gives me a glimpse of what path I will face in the future. As a BYJ fan for a few months, I already experienced a mixed of emotions : sweet, tender, joyous coupled with occasional emptiness. I do hope one day I can graduate to that new level like you and many fans - follow not only his looks, his works but also his way of life.

Enjoy this post very much!

1:09 AM

Blogger marissa said...

Hi Jaime,

I'm happy to see you here. I'm confident that as you continue to discover more about BYJ through Quilt and the other forums and blogs you will get to understand why we stayed with him through all this years.

Have a great day and welcome!

10:22 AM


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